9 Standards of Transparency and Best Practices (STBP) for lower income organizations


1.- Operation and regulation of the governing board.
A.The board of directors has a minimum of five voting members.
B. The governing body meets at least three times a year. There should be at least one meeting per year with a majority in attendance of the governing board.
C. Each member of the governing board attends at least to one meeting during the year.
D. Governing board members are regularly renewed.
E. At least 60% of the board members do not receive any income from the organization or any other related entity.
F. The organization has public disclosure of information about its board members and its directors.
G. The organization keeps a controlled record of the board meetings.
H. The governing board members and the organization’s directors have no relationship.
2.- Clarity and disclosure of the organization´s mission.
A. The mission is the essence of the organization; the activities carried out by the organization should achieve its mission and follow social benefit goals.
B. All members of the organization, including volunteers, are well aware of the organization´s mission, which is also available to the public.
3.-Planning and activities follow up.
A. The organization has a strategic plan and/or an annual operations plan, which is known by the governing board.
B. For the last two years the organization’s actions and performance show effectiveness in achieving its mission.
C. The organization has defined system to follow up its work plan.
D. The organization has a defined control system to follow up on the organization´s beneficiaries.
4.- Communication and truthful information.
A. The organization´s activities for communication, fund raising, and  informational materials, distributed by any means, do reflect the organization´s mission, are accurate, truthful and not misleading.
B. The organization delivers an annual report available to all, and on request.
C. The organization provides financial information to its audience.
D. The organization´s information is available at all the official sites.
E. La organización cuenta con correo electrónico institucional.
5.- Financing transparency.
A. The organization discloses information about its main financing sources, with quantities donated by each donor, from either public or private sector.
B. The organization keeps a document to report income and expenses of fund raising activities.
6.- Fund raising plurality.
A. The organization performs activities aimed to pursue a diverse source of income from public and private entities.
B. None of the organizations´ donors provide more than the 50% of the total income on a continuous basis for the last two years
7.- Control in fund expenditure
A. The organization prepares an annual budget for the year ahead and its governing board is well aware of such budget.
B. The organization reports a breakdown of expenses that shows what portion of these expenses was allocated to each project/program.
C. Donors are able to verify that their charity was assigned to the specific action they requested; through control activities implemented by the organization.   
D. For the past two years, the organization has had a balanced financial structure.
8.- Financial statements disclosure and the accomplishment of the fiscal and legal liabilities.
A. The organization has accounting records and financial statements done by an accountant, which are also known by the governing body.
B. The organization discloses its monthly and annual financial reports to the fiscal authority.
9.- Volunteering encouragement.
A. Volunteers participate in the organization´s activities.
B. The organization outlines the activities to be performed by volunteers.

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